Our partners in Kenya

We collaborate with the Kenyan organisation Young Innocent Souls of God (YISOG) in achieving our goals. YISOG is a key local partner for us, as it knows the towns, families and children, speaks the national and local languages and also has important contacts and experience. Thanks to their insight, the YISOG team knows best where support is needed most urgently.


Our local partner organisation Young Innocent Souls of God (YISOG) is run by the Kenyan priest Father Tito and consists of a committee of eight people. The state-registered organisation, with a focus on child protection, is based in Loitokitok and was founded in 2010. YISOG’s work focuses on providing disadvantaged children with education and basic care.

Verena Donislreiter and Lena Loidl met Father Tito by chance as part of their volunteer work in Kenya in 2013 and were impressed by his commitment and YISOG’s work. Ever since, the organisation has acted as Ambatana’s local partner and an important, trusted contact on the ground.

About Father Tito

Father Tito is a priest of the Greek orthodox church, born in 1974 and belongs to the Maasai ethnic group. He heads the organization YISOG, which he founded in 2010.

As a priest, he is closely networked with the people within the communities. Together with his wife Susan, he has four children. With a lot of heart, both are committed to helping disadvantaged people in their communities. As founder and director of the organization YISOG, Father Tito expresses his deep care for others.