by Ambatana e.V. | Sunday, September 17, 2017 | General
On 14 September 2017 an expert discussion was held at the Burgkirchen community centre with Dr Gerd Müller, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Stephan Mayer, member Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Monday, August 28, 2017 | General
Summer slump? Not with us! We are currently planning our Rescue Centre in Kenya, its concept, budget and schedule as well as legal questions and are discussing the possible introduction of a volunteer Weiterlesen
by Verena Donislreiter | Tuesday, July 18, 2017 | General
Our organisation has received an impressive 1000 euros from the Town & Country Foundation, which has been supporting us for three years now. The donation was handed over at the Town & Country Foundation's Weiterlesen
by Verena Donislreiter | Tuesday, January 24, 2017 | General
How do we see the future? What exactly is our vision? And how can we achieve it? Those are the important topics we dealt with at today's team workshop.
The result was many new, creative ideas and suggestions. Weiterlesen
by Ambatana | Friday, May 9, 2014 | General
It finally happened on 7 May 2014: The organisation Ambatana was officially founded! Our Articles were discussed and signed by a total of 16 founding members.
At our following first General Meeting, Weiterlesen