by Ambatana e.V. | Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | General
Our Annual General Meeting took place via Skype on 17 May 2022. We presented the 2021 annual report and held elections for Ambatana's chair and cash auditors.
Verena Donislreiter was reelected as first Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Saturday, December 4, 2021 | General
In late November 2021, Verena Donislreiter (first chairperson) and Jonathan Scherr (finance and controlling) visited our partner organisation YISOG in the south of Kenya. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Sunday, October 10, 2021 | General
We have revised our sponsorship system: As of now, we will be offering themed sponsorships in place of individual sponsorships.
Over the past few months, our team has put a lot of work and thought Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Wednesday, June 9, 2021 | General
On 21 May 2021, our annual general meeting took place via Skype. We were able to present the 2020 annual report, reflect on the past year and give an outlook on upcoming milestones.
Thank you to everyone Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Friday, May 7, 2021 | General
Happy Birthday, Ambatana!
Our organisation was founded seven years ago today. We would like to thank you – our donors, sponsors, members and volunteers – for all of your support!
We could not be Weiterlesen
by Ambatana e.V. | Friday, March 5, 2021 | General
Schools in Kenya have reopened. After a long period of being closed since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, school children can finally return to class.
This is a long-awaited step as many children Weiterlesen